How To Enjoy Your Career Journey


 “Yeah, right!”.

How many people do you know who would respond like that if you said to them “it’s easy to enjoy work”?

There might even be a heavy tone of sarcasm in their voice!

You may know a few people like that, people who don’t really enjoy their job.

Consider this though....

Your Career Enjoyment...

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3 Top Tips to Getting More Done With Less Stress


One thing’s for sure, if you don’t manage your time effectively, everyone else will dictate your agenda and probably increase your stress levels in doing so.

So, here are my top three tips to getting more done with less stress (and a bonus at the end):


1. How to arrange a meeting with someone

If you’re trying...

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Your kidsā€™ education wonā€™t teach them this!

career mindset young people Sep 23, 2019

If you’ve come across to this blog from The Monday Munch you’ll already know the answer to this.

It’s that the education system doesn’t teach your children how to manage their career effectively – to get jobs they love that support a lifestyle they’ve chosen. 

This short video (it really is worth just...

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5 Career Benefits to Being Active on LinkedIn

business career networking Sep 16, 2019

Do I really need to be on LinkedIn?

The short answer is YES, and here’s why it’s a no brainer!

There are around 33 million people in the UK who are working or available to work.

There are 27 million UK users on LinkedIn which is, as I’m sure you’ve just worked out, very much the majority of the working population.


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How do I get motivated at work?


If you’re struggling to get motivated again after the summer (or maybe you’ve been feeling de-motivated for a while), I’ve recorded a short video to help you get re-motivated.

Three key things to remember to underline the points in the video:

  1. Don’t wait for someone else to motivate you. Make it happen yourself.
  2. Getting...
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How do you maintain income when transitioning to self-employment?


If you’ve been working in an organisation all of your life transitioning to self-employment can be a challenging and perhaps stressful time. One of the biggest fears is about whether you’ll make enough money to live on.

Here are three tips to make the transition to self-employment easier.


Get your mindset right for...

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Three actions to help you create a success mindset

business career mindset Aug 26, 2019

As we come to the end of this four week mini-series reducing stress and increasing calm, our focus turns to gratitude.

The Gratitude Attitude

There’s a lot around about the power of gratitude. You may have come across it. It links to one of the key mindsets for success:

What you focus on consistently you tend to get more of in your life.


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Where is your calm place?

business career mindset Aug 19, 2019

Here in the UK August is traditionally holiday season and holidays are a great way to switch off from work and recharge our batteries.

But what about the rest of the time! It’s just as important to be able to stay calm and manage any stresses right through the year. If you’ve read the last couple of Monday Munch’s you’ll...

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Border control for your career

business career mindset Aug 12, 2019

Do you ever feel like you’ve got so much on, and there are still people asking you for more things, whether it be bits of work or meetings or problems to solve?

It’s not something you have to put up with. You can choose to do something about it.

Setting Your Boundaries

When I talk about setting your boundaries, I’m talking in...

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Taking control of your emotions

business career mindset Aug 05, 2019

As we move into August, many people are on holiday, the rush hour roads and trains are quieter and it’s perhaps a chance to reflect and get some strategies in place to reduce stress and increase your levels of calm and peace.

August is a 4 Monday month this year, so look out here and in my Monday Munch email, for some top tips to help you...

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