3 Top Tips to Getting More Done With Less Stress


One thing’s for sure, if you don’t manage your time effectively, everyone else will dictate your agenda and probably increase your stress levels in doing so.

So, here are my top three tips to getting more done with less stress (and a bonus at the end):


1. How to arrange a meeting with someone

If you’re trying to arrange a meeting with someone, don’t send them an email giving loads of alternatives. Otherwise it limits what else you can organise. Offer one (or maximum two) specific times for the meeting; times that suit you. That way, you stay in control of your agenda and can organise your other activities.


2. Make a list of everything you have to do and then categorise it: 

  1. Things that are important and urgent and that only you can do (be really strict on this one)
  2. Things that are important but not urgent that only you can do (schedule a day when you’ll do these)
  3. Things you don’t have to do, but somebody does (give them to the appropriate person)
  4. Things that actually don’t need to be done (get rid of them)


3. Block your time each week.

This is easier when you have complete control, such as when you’re the business owner, but this can work really well for everyone with a little effort and adaptation.

  1. What are the major activities you have to get done each week (admin, managing people, looking at the budget, working on a project, doing certain activities/tasks).
  2. Work out how much time you need for each activity
  3. Block that time in your diary. It might be that every Monday morning is when you do all your admin, Tuesday you spend the first hour catching up with the team, then a couple of hours on project work, and so on.

Once you get your head around it, time blocking can help you focus and prioritise your work, set boundaries, and get more done. You just need to adapt it to your particular job role and business.

Finding Bonus Time

Check out my video for details of one of my top strategies for getting things done. It really supports good time management strategies because it helps you to get more done with less stress. I find it really useful for things like writing this blog and The Monday Munch, and my clients have used it for everything from their day-to-day jobs, to delivering major projects, to studying for exams.

You may also like to refer back to my blog on managing your boundaries at work. 

 To your career success,

Dave Cordle

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