Network or no-work

Uncategorized Jan 31, 2022


Its a word that means many things to many people. 

For many it brings to mind rooms full of people you don't really know, the awkwardness of introducing yourself and the fear of standing on the edge of the room alone feeling scared. That's before you get to the question of how, if you do get into a conversation, you can...

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Is collaboration on your agenda?

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2022


I've grown increasingly curious over the last few years about how important collaboration is in all of our lives. Let me start with a story to demonstrate. 

Start of a Journey

A few years ago I joined a group called Be Collaboration and ended up co-hosting a group locally here in Banstead with Andrew Horder (...

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How to make the Happy New Year Stay Happy

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2022


Happy New Year!

 Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing I wish you a very Happy New Year.

 I hope you’ve had a fabulous time over the holiday period and are looking forward to making 2022 be the best year it can be for you. I want to help you step out into 2022 with some tips on how to stay happy during 2022.


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Your 2022 Career Check List for More Fun and Less Stress

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2021

I hope you’ve had a good Christmas, switched off from work and spent time doing things that make you feel good. Here’s a checklist for you spanning the 5 Summits of Career Success for your career in 2022.

If you pay attention to even half of these things you're going to have a lot more fund at work and a lot less stress in...

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How to Walk the Walk

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2021

I’m sure you’re well ahead with your goal setting for 2022, thinking about what you’ll be getting from your career and how your life is going to look. 

If you’re not, maybe we need to speak, but more of that later if its right for you. 

It's all very well setting your goals and intentions, but its another thing...

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The Outside-In way to go to work with a smile on your face

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2021

This might be a bit counter intuitive, but knowing what you want outside of work will help you decide what you want in work, and motivate you to take action. That way you end up with work you enjoy that supports the lifestyle you choose. 

So take a moment to dream. Imagine it's this time next year and your life is just as you want it. ...

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Is Good Enough really Good Enough

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2021


There are times when Good Enough really is Good Enough. 

 For example, when you’re drafting your CV, or a cover letter. Naturally, you want those things to be as good as possible, but if you don’t get your CV out there its 100% certain that, even if its brilliant, it has zero possibility of getting you an...

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How to ensure your career supports your lifestyle

Uncategorized Nov 22, 2021

If you haven’t read my last blog, either hop over and do it now, or read this one first and then jump in and read it for some more great prep tasks for your 2022 goal setting. You can find it at here.

Goal setting is, for most people, something that happens at work and more often than not, as part of a performance appraisal or annual...

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Donā€™t set any goals before youā€™ve done this!

Uncategorized Nov 11, 2021

I’m talking about your goals now because if you leave it until December, you’ll probably either not get around to it or not give it the attention it deserves.

Its really important to prepare properly for setting goals because if you don’t know where you are heading, you could end up just about anywhere, which is only great...

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Three common sense tips to reduce stress in your career

Uncategorized Nov 01, 2021

This week sees Stress awareness day (Wed) and Common sense day (Thurs)

I think they’re linked.

We’ve all got common sense (although we don’t always use it of course ), and we all have things that we find stressful from time to time.

So it makes common sense to have strategies to deal with those things so they are less, or...

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