Education - past its sell-by?

Uncategorized Oct 19, 2022

On Wednesday 2nd November the Westminster Education Forum Policy Conference will be discussing “the future shape of England’s school system”.

What does that mean? According to the agenda some key things in this arena are:

  • Discussing the process of expanding the MAT (Multi Academy Trust) system
  • Governance
  • Support...
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How are you feeling now youā€™re back at work?

Uncategorized Oct 11, 2022

We all make our own map of the world because we are viewing it through our own set of filters (values, past experiences, current circumstances, mood right in this moment, etc). And so is everyone else! And their view (truth) about the situation may be very different.  

Have you ever watched two people arguing about a referee’s...

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What do you believe is possible

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2022

Here’s a question for you! 

What do you believe is possible for you? In your career? And in the rest of your life? 

Here are some further questions that might help. 

  • What careers did you dream of once, but haven’t done yet? 
  • How much money do you really believe you could earn? Some people find it revealing to...
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How to blow your own trumpet

Uncategorized Aug 22, 2022


Maybe you hear this sort of thing when you were growing up:

  • Don’t blow your own trumpet
  • Nobody wants to know how good you are
  • It's bad to brag

It's powerful advice, not because it's true, but because we get those and similar messages so often from people around us that, subconsciously, we start to believe it. 

Lets be...

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Teachers! Autumn term on YOUR terms

Uncategorized Aug 08, 2022

My purpose in writing this blog is two-fold.

Firstly to highlight the things that teachers are saying about their own profession in the hope that if you agree with some of these points, you’ll help raise awareness of the changes needed by sharing this post. 

Secondly, to offer some tips to teachers to help you start to make things...

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Your emotional advantage

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2022

As we head towards the holiday season, those long and hopefully balmy summer days,  this is an ideal time to reflect and get some strategies in place to reduce stress and increase your levels of calm and peace.

Emotions: reflex or choice?

Have you ever said yourself or heard someone else say things like this:

  • You make me so mad!
  • He really...
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Use your emotions to your advantage

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2022

As we head towards the holiday season, long and hopefully balmy summer days,  this is an ideal time to reflect and get some strategies in place to reduce stress and increase your levels of calm and peace.

Emotions: reflex or choice?

Have you ever said yourself or heard someone else say things like this:

  • You make me so mad!
  • He really pushes...
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Time to set some boundaries?

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2022

Do you ever feel like you’ve got so much on, and there are still people asking you for more things, whether it be bits of work or meetings or problems to solve, or….?

It feels overwhelming, doesn’t it? It can lead to those Sunday night blues, or that feeling of dread as you go into work, or think about logging on each morning....

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Time you set some boundaries

Uncategorized Jul 11, 2022

Do you ever feel like you’ve got so much on, and there are still people asking you for more things, whether it be bits of work or meetings or problems to solve, or….?

How does it make you feel?

It feels overwhelming, doesn’t it? It can lead to those Sunday night blues, or that feeling of dread as you go into work, or think...

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Who broke the system?

Uncategorized Jun 27, 2022

The system I’m talking about is the Education system. It's certainly not the teachers who broke it, although many I speak to feel broken by the education system.

Teachers say this. One I interviewed said she was having to relearn a lot of stuff she teaches every time she taught it, because it's not used in everyday life. Her question was...

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