Why you should keep your CV up to date ā€“ even if you own the company!

business career May 20, 2019

The answer to this isn’t necessarily as obvious as you think!

OK, well I guess there’s one really obvious answer:

So that you’re always ready to go to the job market, especially when the unexpected happens like your role is made redundant.

BUT, there are other reasons that you will benefit by updating your CV regularly (I...

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What is possible for you?

mindset May 13, 2019

Your Mindset Morsel this month hails back to something that happened a long time ago, but which can teach us a valuable lesson right here and now.

You can! ...but do you really want to?
It was 65 years ago this month that Roger Bannister ran the first sub-four minute mile. He did it at the Iffley Road Track in Oxford on 6th May 1954.

The current...

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Networking - Just Do It.


You’ve almost certainly heard people talking about networking. You may have these or other reactions: 

  • I’ve heard of it but I don’t really know what it means
  • I’m terrified of it / it feels totally alien to me / it feels uncomfortable
  • I already do it, love it and find it useful and fun

 Wherever you are now,...

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Is what you think true?

Uncategorized Apr 29, 2019

Your Mindset Morsel this month is all about understanding why it is that other people sometimes see things so differently from you.

Of course, what you saw is the truth  - what they saw is just their opinion. But remember they’d say the same about you!

Want to understand why people see things differently from you?

Sport provides a...

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The Me We Reflection

mindset Apr 22, 2019

I saw a great picture on Instagram the other week. You may have caught my short video on Linked about it.

If you take the word ME and draw the reflected image of it underneath you get WE. And that got me thinking about how what we do individually is really important; your skills, qualities, achievements, contributions and impact. After all,...

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Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself

mindset Apr 15, 2019

This Mindset Morsel is all about getting really aware of what you're saying to yourself and the effect it could be having on your results.

As usual it's something simple that you can take away and try out now.

Is “should” ruling your life?

Just take a moment to think about how often you use the word “should”?

You might be...

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Do you need references on your CV?

cv job market Mar 05, 2019

It’s a big question and one which you’ll get different advice on depending on who you ask.

Remember that this is your sales document, so you get to decide. Watch this short video (it’s about a minute) where I tell you how to choose.

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Is your CV Lookinā€™ Good?

job market Mar 05, 2019

Is your CV not getting read? Are you applying for loads of jobs but getting nothing back? It could be as simple as changing the layout.

How your CV looks is actually really important. Given the number of people who apply for any given job, if yours looks scruffy and hard to read, the recruiter or hiring manager will have plenty of others to move...

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What you need to know about your profile

cv job market Mar 05, 2019

Most people agree that a good profile serves you well on your CV. Its purpose is to grab your reader’s attention and give them enough information to want to carry on reading down your CV.

It’s a short paragraph of about 5 lines and this 1 minute video explains the key elements of a good profile.

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