So, what's your story?

Uncategorized Oct 25, 2021

Every experience we’ve ever had and every decision we’ve ever made has made us each of us who we are today. 

Ultimately, that's how we came together today, me having written these words and you reading them. I hope that you'll glean something useful for your career and jump on to the challenge next week to find out what an ideal...

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Busting the career myths

Uncategorized Oct 15, 2021

What are the beliefs you have about work? Are they helping you or hindering you? 

Here are some of the myths I come across most often: 

The career decision I'm making now or next has to be for the rest of my working life.

Bull~@$t! I'm sorry, but it is. Although we all know a job for life is unusual these days, people still put...

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The impact you make

Uncategorized Oct 05, 2021

How often do you stop and think about the difference you really make?

Its a good exercise to do for a number of reasons. Here are some of them

  • reminds you how good you are
  • builds or re-builds your confidence
  • ensures you get the best outcome at your next performance appraisal
  • helps you build CVs that get you interviews
  • gives compelling...
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Its find your ideal job month

Uncategorized Oct 01, 2021

The focus here at The Career Base Camp and across my coaching practice this month is about finding an ideal role. 

Knowing your ideal role might prompt you to make your current role even better, go for a new internal position or career path, progress to the next level, or make a wholesale career change. 

But, could you describe right...

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4 Ways to Boost Productivity During These Trying Times

When it comes to career development and striving for success, it’s clear that productivity is a major factor to hinge on. If you’re not being productive, it’s hard to start climbing the ladder and tick things off the list.

That said, finding the right balance of active output can be hard during the vast shift brought on by...

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How To Make Sure You Achieve Your Goals (Part 2)


If you've been following my blogs over the last few weeks you'll be fired up and ready to get out there and start achieving your goals. 

If you want to remind yourself, start with this one which will get you going on the basics and then find out how to get motivated here

Look forward and back

For this part, imagine again that it...

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How to make sure you achieve your goals (part 1)


If you read last week's blog you'll recall that the place to start with setting your goals is firstly to look back over the last year (or further if you want) and recognise all the things you loved, the things you achieved and the things you want to stop doing, start doing or keep doing. 

The background work

Then I got you to think...

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Don't leave this until December 31st


If you haven't already started, right now is next best time to start thinking about 2021 and how you are going to make it a great year for you. 

If you haven't already, take a look back at all the good things over the last year. Our tendency is to focus on the negative things first, so this is a really useful exercise as you set yourself up...

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8 Steps to a Work-Life Balance



This is the Friendship Bridge

The Border between Nepal and Chinese Controlled Tibet.

It is one of the most strictly controlled borders I've ever crossed!








How strictly are you controlling your borders though?

Bizarrely with more people working from home, work-life balance seems to be more of...

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Finding Your Career Path When All Is Not Clear


Have the autumn mists come down on your career?

Are you unclear as to where to go or what to do next? 

The problem when this happens is that sometimes, because there is no clear way forward, no obvious path, you stay where you are.

It's a bit dull.

There's no warm feeling about it. It's a bit uncomfortable.

But hey! Its safe and it's...

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