The Gratitude Attitude – Rubbish or Revolutionary?


Much has been written about gratitude, law of attraction, and such things, in all sorts of contexts.

But, is it relevant to your career? Does it work? Or is it really just a load of woo-woo rubbish peddled by people with too much time on their hands?

An interesting article on the subject was printed in the Guardian a while ago and brought to my...

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Education! Business! How to fix the system


I am an optimist by nature and I also believe that if you have a purpose, however big it is, you can achieve it. Especially if it’s a no-brainer and everybody wins; in other words, a systemic win (more of which later). I’ve got just such a thing to share with you.

I love that line in the film Shakespeare in Love where the owner of...

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Education Insights Through A Year 10 Student's Eyes

mindset management Jul 19, 2020

Creativity in Education

Everyone knows education is one of the most valued things in our culture; it shapes young minds that take us into our terrifying future. Children starting school in September 2019 won’t be retiring until around 2090. We children have to be taught how to survive in the world in 30 years. Yet we...

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Nervous about your job interview? Here is your Interview Preparation Plan


On a cold and drab November morning a few years ago I had a first meeting with a client. She was in her late 30s and looking to make a career move to somewhere more inspiring, a place where she would be recognised, able to progress and to move away from feeling “squashed and overlooked” as she put it.

And so, we made a plan.


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Getting Your Goals Right So Happiness Does Not Pass You By


When we think about the future, we often think about goal setting, and most people do it at two times in their life: 

  • New year when they feel almost obliged to set a resolution of some sort
  • Performance appraisals

The first is rarely successful, New Year Resolutions. Most people do not follow through with their resolutions and the second,...

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How to know who to trust to help you with your career?


A question I often get asked is, how can I assist someone in finding the best source of career help for them? 

In this blog I aim to answer that question and offer a guide as to where you can find the right career support for you.

Many people I speak with and hear about are either laid off, worried they might be, or starting to question...

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It Is Always A Choice To Stay Stuck. What will You Choose?


I noticed a post on a forum last week, it was from an elderly woman complaining that she and her partner had been shielding for 12 weeks and they could not even open their windows because of all the passing strangers, she expressed how inconsiderate she felt it...

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Leveraging LinkedIn To Escape The Career Net


I’m speaking to and hearing of many people at the moment who are feeling trapped or stuck in their career

One put it particularly succinctly: 

“It’s like I’m caught in a net and I cannot find a way to get free”. 

It got me thinking that if you are feeling stuck or trapped in...

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